Romano Viazzani latest release for singer Michela Musco – A New Start – Another Paris Monday Morning – Ars Spoletium has released a second of Romano Viazzani’s compositions recorded by the wonderfully versatile singer Michela Musco. In complete contrast to the operatic style of Paris Opera Tango, this song is poppy and jazzy with some Parisian style about it.
Tag Archives: ArsSpoletium
Imminent release of Paris Opera Tango composed by Romano Viazzani for Michela Musco -March 8th 2023 – A vocalise for coloratura soprano, accordion, piano, percussion and string orchestra
Imminent release of Paris Opera Tango composed by Romano Viazzani for Michela Musco -March 8th 2023 – A vocalise for coloratura soprano, accordion, piano, percussion and string orchestra