Karen Tweed and Karen Street Accordion-sing-alongs May 12th and May 13th 2018

Karen Tweed and Karen Street

Time to sing with the two Karens!

Don’t forget that WORLD ACCORDION DAY is on the horizon in May and to celebrate, the two Karens – Karen Street and Karen Tweed have 2 x TIME TO SING! days – one in CAMBRIDGE and one in KNUTSFORD:

Saturday May 12th : CAMBRIDGE Barhill Church, Hanover Close, Barhill, Cambridge CB23 8EH

10am -1pm : Workshop/rehearsal (for participating accordionists)

2pm – 4pm : Concert and sing-a-long with performances by Karen Street & Karen Tweed, Dawn Loombe and guests. Concert tickets £5

Accordionists wishing to participate and play need to register (fee is £12 and includes the concert) – for more details call/text: 01954 780772 / 07415 456307 or email:


Music will be sent out in advance and all standards are welcome.

Sunday May 13th : KNUTSFORD Marthall Village Hall, Sandlebridge Lane, Knutsford WA16 7SB

11am -1pm : Workshop/rehearsal (for participating accordionists)

2pm – 5pm : Concert and sing-a-long with performances by Karen Street & Karen Tweed, Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Barry Graham, Helen Rich, Mike Richards and Paul Hobbs. Concert tickets £3

Accordionists wishing to participate and play need to register (fee is £12 and includes the concert) – for more details call: Steve Hughes 01782 787935
or email:


Music will be sent out in advance and all standards are welcome.