The boundless energy of a accordionist who has lived such a wonderful and varied musical life is reflected here in his most recent album of compositions for accordion. In his nineties at the time of publication this album features all the compositions that are on the CD of the same name. A lovely touch is that one or two of the compositions are actually hand written by maestro Barimar himself. All compostions were conceived for standard bass accordion.
Vero tango (Barimar)
Raggio di sole (Barimar)
Buona salute (Barimar)
Ho sognato Bach (Barimar)
Samantha (Barimar)
Grande Wolmer (Barimar)
Oriental Sound (Barimar)
Bambola di Giada (Barimar)
Blues and Rock (Barimar)
Saluti da Mosca (Barimar)
Benvenuto Swing (Barimar)
Teo (Barimar)
Valzer in La minore (Barimar)
Tango Terapia (Barimar)
Me Pizzica (Barimar)