Piano Accordion with 10-row 169 bass (C system Free Bass) SOLD
A top quality, well looked-after classical accordion of the 10-row, fixed-free bass variety previously belonging to two respected professional accordionists Karen Street and Mirek Salmon. The Giulietti name speaks for itself. Even if a player is new to free bass this accordion functions beautifully as a standard bass accordion too and has that unmistakable Giulietti sound. This model is mentioned in the Giulietti book and these instruments still have a cult following around the world. It is a double cassotto instrument and has hand made reeds. It has 120 Standard Bass buttons and an additional 52 free bass buttons and 17 further buttons duplicating the first row making 69 free bass buttons in total. It has an internal working Sennheiser/Muisctech microphone system installed. The tuning is good too. 4 sets of “a mano” treble reeds (double octave tuning) and 5 sets of bass reeds. For an extended keyboard model with full size 20mm keys it is surprisingly light at 14.5kg. Sturdy hard case and straps included. Don’t miss this opportunity to buy a truly historic instrument. Available to try out (with no obligation to buy by emailing info@zzmusic.uk
RANGE : 43 Piano Keys
SYSTEM : Piano and C Griff Freebass
PRODUCER: Giulietti
MODEL : 127 Continental
SET OF REEDS TREBLE/BASS : 4/5(2) cassotto
If you need more info about this accordion, please call us on +44 (0) 7789 633 873 or