London Accordion Orchestra – 18th May 2019 – LAO Gala Concert, Sacred Heart Church, Wimbledon, London. London Accordion Orchestra presents ‘Out Of This World’ a Gala Concert to celebrate its 20th Anniversary.
Tag Archives: Julie North
LAO at the Movies – by London Accordion Orchestra – Saturday 20th January 2018 – Sat, 20 January 2018 16:00 PM – 17:30 at St. Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico, Warwick Square, London, SW1V 2AD
What better way to spend for an accordion-lover to spend St Valentine’s weekend listening to the instrument they love! No doubt some accordion widows and widowers would have something to say about that statement. Nevertheless, this weekend promises to to enthral even the unconverted. Great line-up of accordionists from all genres of accordion music: Pearl Adriano, Ian Watson, Julie North, Colin Walker, Jovan Rnjak, Harry Hussey and John Romero.
Join the LAO for their annual Winter concert on the 5th December, 6pm, at their wonderful home, St. Gabriel’s in Pimlico. Featuring accordion5 – a quintet of top accordionists.
London Accordion Orchestra Live in Cambridge – This dynamic orchestra, made up of 35 accordionists and 3 West End percussionists, bring their unique sound to Cambridge.