UKAAT (United Kingdom Association of Accordion Teachers) are proud to announce their first workshop for accordion teachers. After an initial meeting over 2 years ago of 40 teachers from all over the UK those present were surveyed and asked what they would most like to explore as part of their own professional development as accordion teachers. This first workshop will try to cover a number of the most voted-for subjects in an all-day event at The Royal Academy of Music, London. It is hoped that this event will prove popular enough with teachers to enable UKAAT to cover its costs and make enough money to hold similar events in the future in different parts of the country as originally intended. UKAAT is starting this, its launch event, with zero funds in the kitty but with a lot of good will from its executive committee. It is hoped that all those who registered their email addresses with the UKAAT secretary and on the UKAAT Facebook page will do their best to attend the event. For little more than the cost of the average one hour accordion lesson UKAAT are offering all that is listed below including a special guest jazz workshop and concert by Simone Zanchini. The workshop day will run between 10am and 7pm and a more detail programme of events will be finalised nearer the date. In the meantime please book your ticket as soon as possible as there are limited places. Please feel free to bring along your accordion.
Royal Academy of Music, London
Sunday February 7th 2016. 10.00 till 19.00
Skills and Topics covered:
(With contributions by Prof. Owen Murray, Romano Viazzani and Ian Watson)

Teaching basic skills to your student
Teaching Free Bass and de-mystifying other button systems
Jazz Workshop with Simone Zanchini

Jazz Workshop with Karen Street

Short Concerts given by:
The students of the Royal Academy of Music
Simone Zanchini
Ticket Price: