RAM student accordionist Qianyu Zhang competes in RAM Bicentenary Prize

A true judgement on how good an accordionist is, is not when he or she is compared with other accordionists but when he or she is compared with other outstanding instrumentalists in general. Here the accordion itself can show off it’s unique voice and repertoire amongst it’s instrumental peers. Several RAM students have shown in the past that they can take on other instrumentalists in a competition and win, and win not only a prize and a title but win new friends for th accordion in a contec=xt where one is rarely heard. ZZ Music wishes the outstanding Qianyu Zhang all the very best in this wonderful competition and hopes that the accordion community will rally around and support her in her endeavour.
Elise van der Wel violin
Works by Biber, Matteis and Muffat
Samantha Quillish soprano
with Julia Klimek piano
Works by Clara Schumann, Mozart, Strauss and Gounod
Qianyu Zhang accordion with Leah Leong cello
Works by Martin Lohse, Zolotaryov and Mikołaj Majkusiak
Esther Beyer harp
Works by CPE Bach, Glinka and Caroline Lizotte
Amy Holyland mezzo-soprano
with Benjamin Mead piano
Works by Schubert, Wolf, Howells and Rossini
Ariel Lanyi piano
Works by Haydn and Bartók
In the approach to its Bicentenary in 2022, the Royal Academy of Music presents the grand final of a prestigious new competition, judged by a panel of eminent musicians, with a prize of £10,000. Open to singers and instrumentalists studying at the Academy, six finalists exhibit the breadth of talent across many disciplines.
Tickets: £10
How to book:
In person: 7 days a week: 10am-8.30pm. Days without an evening concert: 10am-5pm. No advance booking in the half-hour prior to a concert.
Telephone: 020 7935 2141 Monday-Sunday, 10am-7pm. Days without an evening concert: 10am-5pm. £4 administration fee.
Online: www.wigmore-hall.org.uk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. £3 administration fee. Disabled Access and Facilities For full details please call 020 7935 2141 or email access@wigmore-hall.org.uk.
Tickets: https://tickets.ram.ac.uk/sales/categories/other-events/bicentenary-prize-wigmore