Mental Training for Musicians – Sunday 21st May 2017 10.00- 17.00
Royal academy of Music Academic Teaching Centre, 32 Aybrook Street. London W1U 4AW

Many musicians professional and amateur suffer from stage fright. Some are able to play but perhaps not quite as well as they would when they are alone rehearsing in their room. Psychologist Inger Murray has developed this unique concept. It can transform your career and any performance by teaching you how to control your nerves in performance situations. Now she is coming to London to hold a workshop that is open to all. She has achieved some amazing results. The training becomes part of your daily practice routine.
Cost £120 (£108 for students)
Please register before 21st April as places are limited. Contact murray@mentaltrainingformusicians
ZZ Music has a book available to accompany Inger Murray’s teaching. Click here.