Monthly Archives: September 2017

Cárismatico – a new Tango ensemble with Karen Street on Accordion – Mini Tour Autumn 2018

Cárismatico Tango Ensemble

Charismatico Tango – with Karen Street on Accordion – Mini Tour Autumn 2018. Cárismatico, a new and exciting tango ensemble with Karen Street on accordion have three performances in the autumn. All will feature the mesmerising voice of Argentina’s finest and most significant tango vocalist Martin Alvarado.

Autumn Open Day and Master class for the Accordion Department at the Royal Academy of Music

Royal Academy of Music

Royal Academy of Music Events, October 2017 – 5th October, Accordion dept. Open-Day.Lunchtime concert at 13.05 followed by a talk by Owen Murray on the work on the accordion department. At 15.30 to 17.00, there will be an opportunity for young accordionists to play and receive advice on further development. 13th October, RAM students Master class taken by Peter Katina, 10.00 to 13.00